It is possible to display the destination of any link in the Zentools module in a lightbox that sits above the page. The lightbox used in the Zentools module is responsive and will scale according to the dimensions of the device the site is being viewed on.
The settings below are only relevant if the content source selected above is either Joomla or K2. If you have selected directory as a source then the image will be shown in the lightbox and the width and other options will not apply.
Available Options for Joomla or K2 content.
Display title
When enabled, the title of the item will appear in the lightbox.
Display Image
When enabled, the first image found in the introtext of the item will appear in the lightbox. Disable this option if you are also displaying the introtext.
Display Introtext
When enabled this displays the introtext for the Joomla or K2 item in the lightbox.
K2 Video (K2 only)
When enabled this option displays the video selected for the K2 item under the media field.
Display Readmore
When enabled this option displays a read more link which links the content in the lightbox to the corresponding page for that item.
Modal window width
This is a pixel width which is used to define the maximum width of the modal window. When the browser window is below this width then the lightbox width becomes fluid and fills approximately 100% of the screen.
Available options when loading images from a directory.
Display thumbnail tips
Displays thumbnail navigation at the bottom of the browser window.
General options
Display title on footer
When enabled the title of the item is displayed in the lightbox frame. Next to the item count.