Layout type

Select the layout type to use for this instance of the module. This dropdown also contains the presets available to automatically create specific Zentools layouts.


Set Default Options button

This button can be used to set default options for the currently highlighted layout in the dropdown list or apply the settings required for the selected layout preset.

Content Source 

Used to determine the content source used in the module.


Used to determine the total number of items displayed in the module

Link Behaviour

Used to determine the action of links when clicked.

Link Target

Used to determine whether the links open in the same window or a new window.

External Links

The external link option automatically appears when the External link option is selected in the Link Behaviour setting above.

The full url for each link must be added and each link needs to be added to a new line.

Alternative Link (Joomla only)

Option used to determine whether the links used in the module are used based on the item links for specific content items. These links are set in the parameters for each Joomla content item.


The design area used to determine the elements used in each module. Items are dragged from the available tag list into the Drag items here to use area.

Load jQuery

Setting used to determine whether the module should load jQuery. Set this option to no if you are already load jQuery on the page or another instance of the module is already loading jQuery.


Screenshot of Available Options

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